RU1000318: The implementation of energy efficiency measures at Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Works, OJSC
Last updated 03 Apr 12
ITL project ID RU1000318
Project title The implementation of energy efficiency measures at Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Works, OJSC
Project location Chelyabinsk, the Russian Federation
Host Party Russian Federation
Other Party
Type of Project Large Scale
Fee to be paid 20,000 USD
Sectoral scope(s) 9: Metal production
"Track" 1
LULUCF project No
Total Emission reductions expected 304673.0 t CO2 equivalent
Crediting period 01 Jan 2008 - 31 Dec 2012
Project information provided by host Party Project documentation:
PDD (1055 KB)
Determination report (775 KB)
Approval Russia (241 KB)

Project related text:
The project mission is to reduce power consumption during ferrosilicon production at Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Works, OJSC and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The implementation of ferrosilicon smelting technology with the use of quartzite from the Antonovskoe deposit instead of quartzite from the Bakalskoe deposit made it possible to increase the furnace capacity, reduce silicon losses and reduce the specific electrical energy consumption.
The other party will be determined at a later stage.
Current status of the project Operational
Total verified emission reductions 0.0 t CO2 equivalent
Additional information (as appropriate)