Publication of one joint implementation project design document

Publication of one joint implementation project design document

Paragraph 32 of the annex to decision 9/CMP.1 (JI guidelines) stipulates that, under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (Track 2 procedure), accredited independent entities (AIEs) shall make joint implementation (JI) project design documents (PDDs) publicly available through the secretariat, subject to confidentiality provisions, and receive comments from Parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited observers for 30 days from the date the PDD is made publicly available.

This message is to notify that the following JI PDD has been submitted by an AIE to the secretariat and will be open for comments as of tomorrow 19 April 2007 until 18 May 2007 (17:00 GMT):

0049: Lapes Landfill Gas Utilization and Energy Generation

The abovementioned PDD will be available at the UNFCCC JI website under <>, where also detailed information on the submission of comments will be provided.