Two final determinations regarding joint implementation (JI) project design documents (PDDs) and publication of one JI PDD

Two final determinations regarding joint implementation (JI) project design documents (PDDs) and publication of one JI PDD

In accordance with paragraph 35 of the annex to decision 9/CMP.1 (JI guidelines), a determination regarding a PDD shall be deemed final 45 days after the date on which the determination is made public, unless a Party involved in the project or three members of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) request a review by the JISC.

This is to notify that the period for requesting a review of the determinations regarding the PDDs for the following projects has ended:

0025. Rudaiciai Wind Power Park Project
0034. Benaiciai Wind Power Project

Since neither a Party involved nor three members of the JISC have requested a review within this period, the determinations are deemed final. The referred final determinations are available on the UNFCCC JI website under <>.

Paragraph 32 of the JI guidelines stipulates that, under the verification procedure under the JISC (Track 2 procedure), accredited independent entities (AIEs) shall make JI PDDs publicly available through the secretariat, subject to confidentiality provisions, and receive comments from Parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited observers for 30 days from the date the PDD is made publicly available.

This message is to notify that the JI PDD for the following project has been submitted by an AIE to the UNFCCC secretariat and will be open for comments as of tomorrow, 29 July 08, until 27 August 08 (17:00 GMT):

0151. Utilization of Sunflower Seeds Husk for Heat and Power Production at Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC) “Pology Oil-Extraction Plant, South-East Ukraine

The abovementioned PDD will be available on the UNFCCC JI website under <>, where also detailed information on the submission of comments will be provided.