Project 0035 : Utilization of Coal Mine Methane at the Coal Mine named after A.F. Zasyadko
This page shows the determination as submitted by the accredited independent entity. For the final determination click here
Reference number 0035
Title Project:
Utilization of Coal Mine Methane at the Coal Mine named after A.F. Zasyadko
Host Party(ies) Ukraine (project participant: no)
Approval (1117 KB)

Authorised project participants:
Lease company “Mine named after A.F. Zasyadko”

Authorisation included in the written approval
Other Party(ies) involved Japan (project participant: no)
Approval (792 KB)

Authorised project participants:
Marubeni Corporation

Authorisation included in the written approval
Netherlands (project participant: no)
Approval (50 KB)

Authorised project participants:
Global Carbon B.V.

Authorisation included in the written approval
Switzerland (project participant: no)
Approval (765 KB)

Authorised project participants:

Authorisation included in the written approval
Scale Large
Project category Sectoral scope(s):
10: Fugitive emissions from fuels (solid, oil and gas)
8: Mining/mineral production
PDD(s) PDD (1087 KB)

Supporting documentation:
E1 - CO2 calculation ver4 4 (212 KB)
E2 - Financial calculation ver5 with CO2_cor (541 KB)
E3 - Financial calculation ver5 without CO2_cor (540 KB)
E4 - Interest rates Ukraine Dec 2003 (22 KB)
E5 - TUEV SUED Statement CEF (276 KB)
E6 - Stakeholder Comments Zasyadko 0035 (33 KB)
E7 - Interviewed Persons Zasyadko 0035 (19 KB)
E9 - Confirmation for Enclosure 8 (34 KB)
(A)IE chosen by the project participants for determination TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH
Determination report Determination report (50 KB)

Relevant documents:

Determination Report (998 KB)
Emission reductions/enhancements of removals
(annual average in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
1,177,905 t CO2 equivalent
Fee 234,081.00 USD
Period for requesting review 11 Jul 08 - 24 Aug 08 (17:00 GMT)
Crediting period 01 Jan 08 - 31 Dec 12
Project design document / determination Publication of the project design document
“Utilization of Coal Mine Methane at the Coal Mine named after A.F. Zasyadko”.