Report of the first meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Commitee (JISC 01)

Report of the first meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Commitee (JISC 01)

Please be informed that the report of the first meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Commitee (2 - 3 February 2006), including its annexes, is now available on the UNFCCC JI web site. Please refer to <>.

Annexes to the report:
Rules of procedure
Annex 1: Draft rules of procedure of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Joint implementation project design document
Annex 2: Draft joint implementation project design document form
Other business
Annex 3: Draft work programme of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Annex 4: Tentative schedule of Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee meetings - 2006
Annex 5: Provisional agenda of the second meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee