JI Programme of Activities


The Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) adopted at its eighteenth meeting in October 2009, a procedure for joint implementation programmes of activities (JI PoA) under JI Track 2. JI PoAs can be submitted under this procedure as of 1 December, 2009.

The JI PoA procedure provides a framework for implementing JI projects that can be replicated, and is aimed at achieving economies of scale for project participants.

A JI PoA is defined as a coordinated action by a legal or governmental entity that implements a policy or stated goal and is comprised of one or more interrelated types of JI programme activities (JPAs). A JPA is a project undertaken under a JI PoA that results in a reduction of anthropogenic emissions by sources or enhancement of anthropogenic removals by sinks that are additional to any that would otherwise occur. A type of JPA is defined by the technologies and/or measures to be used and includes a selection and a justification of the baseline setting and monitoring plan chosen for each technology and/or measure.

Detailed information regarding the JI PoA is available in Procedures for programmes of activities under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (179 KB).

The following documents related to the development and submission of a JI PoA are available:

For more information on JI PoAs, please follow the link JI Project statuses