22:09 21 Feb 25
Accredited Independent Entities (AIEs)
As part of its efforts to reduce costs and maintain operations of the JI, the JISC agreed at the meeting to allow designated operational entities accredited under the other project-based mechanism under the Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism, to act voluntarily as accredited independent entities - third-part certifiers - under JI.
What is an accredited independent entity?
An accredited independent entity (AIE) is an independent auditor accredited by the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) to determine project proposals or verify whether implemented projects have achieved planned greenhouse gas emission reductions.
How to become an AIE?
The JISC at its 37th meeting decided that as of 2 August 2016, the JI accreditation relies on the CDM accreditation system, and agreed that CDM designated operational entities (DOEs) may act as accredited independent entities (AIEs) for the same sectoral scopes for which they are designated.It is to be noted that JISC retains the authority to suspend or to withdraw any entity accredited as an AIE with regard to JI determination and verification activities.
Therefore, read the process and procedure on how to become a DOE in order to be able to voluntary act as an AIE.
List of DOEs acting as AIEs
The following page will provide you with the list of DOEs that can voluntary act as AIEs. These entities are accredited for the sectoral scopes shown below in the table and qualify to submit requests for determination and verification in these sectoral scopes. more »
Key Documents
Contact information:
Entities JI-Accreditation@unfccc.int
Complaints against a DOE acting as an AIE
Complaints against a AIE, are considered to be an expression of dissatisfaction with the performance of an AIE in relation to its JI function(s) from its client’s organization or any entity that has submitted comments during the global stakeholder consultation process which were not taken into consideration by the AIE, and should be communicated in the following way:
1. Fill out the F-JI-CD form
2. Submit via JI-Accreditation@unfccc.int
With the DOE now voluntary acting as an AIE, a procedure to handle complaint against DOE acting as an AIE has been established by JISC. The procedure can be found here.
Complaints against a AIE, are considered to be an expression of dissatisfaction with the performance of an AIE in relation to its JI function(s) from its client’s organization or any entity that has submitted comments during the global stakeholder consultation process which were not taken into consideration by the AIE, and should be communicated in the following way:
1. Fill out the F-JI-CD form
2. Submit via JI-Accreditation@unfccc.int
With the DOE now voluntary acting as an AIE, a procedure to handle complaint against DOE acting as an AIE has been established by JISC. The procedure can be found here.
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