12:04 14 Mar 25
SV: Reminder: Call for public input on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring
From | Morten Pedersen |
Date | 03/01/2006 06:46 PM |
Subject | SV: Reminder: Call for public input on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring |
Attachments | |
Dear JISC, 1. March 2006 Thank you for the invitation to give an input on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring. The guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol that defines the criteria for baseline setting and monitoring has a general character and needs to be developed further. Therefore we will provide some general comments corresponding to this. When the guidelines will be specified further we would appreciate to give supplementary comments. We encourage the development of multi-project emission factors, e.g. factors for country or sector. We should encourage the possibility to set-up baselines, based on existing data and national studies, if available. We should also encourage simplified monitoring plans, which could to a high degree follow the already existing national monitoring and reporting systems. Further we support that simplified procedures and criteria for baseline and monitoring should be set up for JI projects, at least for the small scale JI projects. Yours Sincerely Jacob Forman and Morten Pedersen Danish Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Strandgade 29, DK-1401 Copenhagen K Tel: + 45 32 66 01 00 Mobile Tel: + 45 29 68 41 36 Fax + 45 32 66 02 01 www.danishcarbon.dk -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: UNFCCC JI NEWS [mailto:ji-info@unfccc.int] Sendt: 24. februar 2006 19:01 Til: Pedersen, Morten Emne: Reminder: Call for public input on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring The Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC), at its first meeting, requested the secretariat to open a call for public input with regard to guidance on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring. Public comments should be sent to the UNFCCC secretariat by 1 March 2006. The call for public input is available through the main page of the UNFCCC JI web site or under the following link: http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/BaselineSettingMonitoring/. -- UNFCCC JI NEWS |
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