BG1000152: Reduction of Greenhouse Gases by Gasification in the Varna municipality
Last updated 16 Aug 11
ITL project ID BG1000152
Project title Reduction of Greenhouse Gases by Gasification in the Varna municipality
Project location Varna Municipality
Host Party Bulgaria
Other Party
Type of Project
Fee to be paid
Sectoral scope(s) 1: Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources)
"Track" 1
LULUCF project No
Total Emission reductions expected 362566.0 t CO2 equivalent
Crediting period 01 Jan 2008 - 31 Dec 2012
Project information provided by host Party Project documentation:
PDD (uploaded 20 May 10 16:44:21) (742 KB)
Appendix 1 (uploaded 20 May 10 16:40:28) (503 KB)
Appendix 2 (uploaded 20 May 10 16:40:27) (172 KB)
Untitled (uploaded 20 May 10 16:40:27) (76 KB)
appendix 4-10 (uploaded 20 May 10 16:47:45) (172 KB)
LoA Bulgaria (324 KB)

Project related text:
Reduction of greenhouse gases by gasification of the municipal district heating providing to end-users on the territory of Varna municipality.
Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions – starting from 39 211 tons CO2eqv in 2008, reaching up to 107 861 tons CO2eqv. in 2012; 
Enhanced energy efficiency of combustion installations in the region;
Significant reduction of energy costs for households as a result of increased efficiency of the combustion installations and lower cost of the used energy source;
Increased living standard: Ensuring a higher level of human health as a result of improved air quality.
Current status of the project Operational
Total verified emission reductions 86522.0 t CO2 equivalent
Additional information (as appropriate)