FR1000169: GPN Grandpuits N2O abatement project
Last updated 11 Feb 16
ITL project ID FR1000169
Project title GPN Grandpuits N2O abatement project
Project location Region : Ile de France
Host Party France
Other Party Belgium
Type of Project
Fee to be paid
Sectoral scope(s) 5: Chemical industry
"Track" 1
LULUCF project No
Total Emission reductions expected 296047.0 t CO2 equivalent
Crediting period 18 Apr 2010 - 31 Dec 2012
Project information provided by host Party Project documentation:
LoA France ver1 (770 KB)
LoA France ver2 (769 KB)
PDD (640 KB)
Determination report (544 KB)
verif 1 (1170 KB)
verif 2 (539 KB)
vĂ©rif 3 (867 KB)
verif 4 (546 KB)
LoA BE (27 KB)
ERU issuance GPN Grandpuits (27 KB)

Project related text:
The project activity aims to reduce levels of N2O emissions from the production of nitric acid with secondary N2O abatement technology (secondary catalyst).
Current status of the project Operational
Total verified emission reductions 180947.0 t CO2 equivalent
Additional information (as appropriate)