EmSAG - Generation of Emission Certificates through Chimney Sweepers for energy-efficiency improvements of technical installations and building envelope
Last updated 08 May 12
ITL project ID In progress
Project title EmSAG - Generation of Emission Certificates through Chimney Sweepers for energy-efficiency improvements of technical installations and building envelope
Project location national territory of the Federal Republic of Germany
Host Party Germany
Other Party
Type of Project PoA
Fee to be paid 3,000 USD
Sectoral scope(s) 16: Other
"Track" 1
LULUCF project No
Total Emission reductions expected 300000.0 t CO2 equivalent
Crediting period 01 Jan 2008 - 31 Dec 2012
Project information provided by host Party Project documentation:
approved projects (3709 bytes)

External link(s) to project information:
approved projects

Project related text:
to provide incentives for energy efficiency measures to reduce primary energy consumption in residential buildings and similar buildings (public buildings, offices, hotels etc.) countrywide in Germany
Current status of the project Operational
Total verified emission reductions 0.0 t CO2 equivalent
Additional information (as appropriate) http://www.dehst.de/EN/Service/Registry/registry_node.html