11:38 22 Feb 25
Opening of call for experts (JI accreditation panel members) - fifth call
Opening of call for experts (JI accreditation panel members) - fifth call
Following the notification of resignation of a member of the Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel (JI-AP) as of 31 March 2009, the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) requested the secretariat to launch a new public call for experts to fill the vacant position. The call for experts is available through the main page of the UNFCCC JI website or under the following link: <http://ji.unfccc.int/Panel_WG/Accr_Panel/CallForExperts/AP200903/CallExperts.html>. Applications shall be sent to the UNFCCC secretariat by 14 April 2009 (17:00 GMT). |
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