13:51 11 Feb 25
Opening of call for JI experts (appraisals/reviews) - third call
Opening of call for JI experts (appraisals/reviews) - third call
At its fourth meeting, the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) established a roster of experts on which it will draw with regard to inputs to the appraisals of determinations and when setting up review teams (JI-RTs). At the twenty-fourth meeting, the JISC requested the secretariat to launch a new call for experts participating in appraisals of determinations and/or JI-RTs, in order to increase the number of experts in the roster and to strengthen the diversity of expertise. The call for experts is available under the following link: http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/CallForExperts201104/callforexperts_appraisals_review.html Experts are invited to apply online by 15 May 2011 (17:00 GMT). Experts already included in the roster with a framework contract signed for the year 2011 do not need to apply again. |
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