23:44 09 Sep 24
Third meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 03)
Third meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 03)
Please be informed that the third meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) will take place at the UNFCCC headquarters in Bonn (Germany) on 28-29 May 2006. Meetings of the JISC are open to attendance, as observers, by all Parties and by all UNFCCC accredited observers and stakeholders. The deadline for registration as an observer is two weeks before the meeting (14 May 2006). Regarding registration please contact Ms. Michaela Koch (mkoch@unfccc.int). In addition, please also note that the reference in paragraph 24 (g) of annex 3 to the report of the second meeting of the JISC was corrected. The revised document is available through the JISC meetings page of the UNFCCC JI website <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings>. |
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