07:22 11 Feb 25
Audio files explaining the basics of Joint Implementation
Audio files explaining the basics of Joint Implementation
The UNFCCC secretariat has produced 12 audio files to help spread the word about the joint implementation (JI) mechanism. The audio files explain in plain language which countries can participate in JI, what are the Emission Reduction Units, what methodologies can be used for developing JI projects, as well as which is the role of the UNFCCC secretariat, the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, Designated Focal Points and Accredited Independent Entities. They also provide further details about the project cycle and advice on what to do if you have an idea for a project. Please visit the link below: <http://ji.unfccc.int/about/multimedia/podcasts/index.html> These audio files are in the public domain. Their use, including embedding and reproduction, is highly encouraged. |
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