Inputs and views on the first review of the JI guidelines

Inputs and views on the first review of the JI guidelines

At its seventh session, the Conference of the Parties serving
as meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) recalled
its decision to initiate the first review of the JI
guidelines, as contained in decision 4/CMP.6, paragraph 15.

The CMP invited all Parties, intergovernmental organizations
and admitted observer organizations to submit to the
secretariat (, by 16 April 2012, their
views on the revision of the JI guidelines, taking into
account, as appropriate, their experience of implementing the
mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, including national
guidelines, and the recommendations on options for building on
the approach embodied in joint implementation, as presented in
document FCCC/KP/CMP/2011/9.

In addition, the CMP requested the secretariat to compile
those submissions into a synthesis report, for consideration
by the CMP at its eighth session, and to make the report
publicly available by 31 July 2012.