13:29 11 Feb 25
JISC 27 -- Report of the twenty-seventh meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
JISC 27 -- Report of the twenty-seventh meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
The report of the twenty-seventh meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (Durban, South Africa, 24-25 November 2011), including its annexes, is available on the UNFCCC JI website, at: <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings/index.html>. --------------- Matters relating to determination and verification reports Annex 1: Forms under the verification procedure to incorporate revisions of the procedures for appraisals of determinations under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee Other matters Annex 2: Tentative calendar of meetings of the JISC for 2012 Annex 3: Provisional agenda of the twenty-eighth meeting of the JISC ------------------ Highlights -- Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, 27th meeting ------------------ Durban, South Africa, 25 November 2011 -– In its last regular meeting before the start of the UN Climate Change Conference taking place here in Durban, the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) reflected on enhancements made to the mechanism in the past year and looked to the future. In Durban, Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will be asked to consider numerous recommendations prepared by the JISC aimed at expanding and bolstering the mechanism. Among the recommendations is one to establish a unified governance track for JI. Currently there are two tracks, the first involving government oversight, the second involving oversight by the JISC. The unified mechanism would be overseen by a new governing body, which would also become a forum for countries to collaborate in ensuring the effectiveness of the new JI. As well, Parties will be asked to agree to establishment of a unified accreditation process for third-party certifiers working under JI and the clean development mechanism, the other project based mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol. At their 27th meeting, members noted that funding for activities related to Joint Implementation is reaching sustainable levels, thanks to changes in fee structure. When Parties to the Kyoto Protocol met last year in Cancun, Mexico, they agreed that the JISC could charge a fee from projects under Track 1, that part of JI overseen by national governments. “Joint Implementation is now on a firm footing. What’s more, we’re seeing increasing interest in participation in JI and increasing interest in our vision for the future,” said JISC Chair Muhammed Quamrul Chowdhury. In other business, the JISC agreed to explore so-called “prior consideration” in the context of a review of the JI mechanism, required under the terms of the Kyoto Protocol. The review is to be launched by Parties here in Durban. “The JISC agreed that prior consideration, which means serious consideration of the JI mechanism in the decision to implement a proposed project, is a very important issue and agreed to incorporate it in the review of the JI guidelines for a potential future commitment period,” said JISC Vice-Chair Wolfgang Seidel. |
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