05:30 11 Feb 25
Report of the seventeenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Report of the seventeenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Please be informed that the report of the seventeenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (10-11 September 2009), including its annexes, is available on the UNFCCC JI website. Please refer to <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings/index.html>. Accreditation of independent entities Annex 1: JI accreditation procedure, version 05 Management plan and resources for the work on joint implementation Annex 2: Status of resources and contributions Other Matters Annex 3: Revisions to the rules of procedure of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee Annex 4: Provisional agenda of the eighteenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee |
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