05:33 11 Feb 25
Opening a call for public interest in participating in the JI roundtable consultations
Opening a call for public interest in participating in the JI roundtable consultations
The UNFCCC secretariat is preparing the JI roundtable consultations, to be held on 20 June 2011 in Bonn - Germany, which are expected to provide valuable inputs to the JISC work in the period 2011 - 2013, based on the activities already identified in JISC's work plan. The aim of the roundtable consultations is to bring members of the JISC together with interested stakeholders, in order to have an open discussion of the important issues. Participation in this event will be based on the expression of interest received and further consideration by the JISC. Expressions of interest to participate in the roundtable consultations should be submitted no later than 6 May 2011 (17:00 GMT), using the form available at the following link: http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/PublicInput_Apr_2011_RT/index.html |
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