21:04 23 Jan 25
Opening of call for experts (JI assessment teams members for accreditation) - fifth call
Opening of call for experts (JI assessment teams members for accreditation) - fifth call
The Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel (JI-AP), at its fifteenth meeting, decided to launch a new public call for experts to further supplement the rosters of experts for assessment team members under the JI accreditation procedure. Experts having working experience in methodological issues (i.e. baseline setting and monitoring) related to project-based mechanisms (i.e. JI and/or the CDM) in the sectoral scopes listed in the call page are invited to apply. The call for experts is available through the main page of the UNFCCC JI website or under the following link: <http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/CallForExperts_JI-AT200903/callforexperts_accreditation.html>. Applications shall be sent to the UNFCCC secretariat by 5 May 2009 (17:00 GMT). Experts already included in the roster do not need to apply again. |
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