12:07 11 Feb 25
Report of the seventh meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 07)
Report of the seventh meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 07)
Please be informed that the report of the seventh meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (3 - 4 May 2007), including its annexes, is available on the UNFCCC JI website under <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings>. The annexes to the report are listed below: Accreditation of independent entities Annex 1: Clarification regarding monitoring period of joint implementation project for witnessing of verification function of applicant independent entities Annex 2: Clarification regarding conditions for designated operational entities for acting provisionally as accredited independent entities (version 02) Management plan for the biennium 2006-2007 Annex 3: Status of resources and contributions Other matters Annex 4: Procedures for communication of the public with the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee Annex 5: Provisional agenda of the eighth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee |
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