Final determination regarding a JI PDD

Final determination regarding a JI PDD

This is to inform you that the period for requesting a review of the determination regarding the project design document (PDD) for "0195. Installation of CCGT-400 at Shaturskaya TPP, OGK-4, Moscow area, Russia" has ended.

In accordance with paragraph 35 of the annex to decision 9/CMP.1 (JI guidelines), a determination regarding a PDD shall be deemed final 45 days after the date on which the determination is made public, unless a Party involved in the project or three members of the JISC request a review by the JISC.

Since neither a Party involved in the project nor three members of the JISC have requested a review within this period, the determination is deemed final.

The referred final determination is available on the UNFCCC JI website under:
