21:31 14 Mar 25
Reminder: Call for public inputs on the Joint implementation accreditation standard - first draft
Reminder: Call for public inputs on the Joint implementation accreditation standard - first draft
This is a gentle reminder that the call for public inputs on the first draft Joint implementation accreditation standard is currently open and will be closed on 18 January 2010. At its nineteenth meeting held on 3-4 December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) requested the UNFCCC secretariat to launch a call for public inputs on the first draft Joint implementation accreditation standard, which elaborates the provisions of appendix A to the annex to decision 9/CMP.1 (JI guidelines) and consolidates into a single document all JI accreditation requirements by integrating existing requirements, with modifications as appropriate, and adding new requirements deemed necessary for an efficient and transparent JI accreditation process. The call is available at: http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/PublicInputJIAccrStandard_Dec/index.html |
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