06:19 11 Feb 25
Report of the twenty-third meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Report of the twenty-third meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Please be informed that the report of the twenty-third meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (21-23 October 2010), including its annexes, is available on the UNFCCC JI website. Please refer to <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings/index.html>. -------------------------- Highlights -- Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, 23rd meeting -------------------------- Bonn, 23 October 2010 –- The Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) has just completed what was perhaps its most important meeting to date, agreeing on a set of recommendations to Parties to the Kyoto Protocol designed to ensure the productive continuation of the mechanism to the end of the first commitment period of the Protocol and beyond. The most innovative proposal would see the establishment of a unified track for JI in place of the two distinct regulatory tracks currently under the mechanism –- Track 1 involving national vetting of projects and Track 2 involving international oversight by the JISC. “This is a landmark moment for the market-based approach to combating climate change. We’re putting forward ambitious but extremely practical proposals that would draw on the best features of national and international approaches to incentivizing emission reduction projects,” said JISC Chair Benoît Leguet. Just four months ago, due to financial constraints, the JISC announced the cancellation of its two regular meetings remaining in 2010 in favour of a special meeting in October, focused on the finalization of its report to Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, which would recommend a streamlining of the JISC’s work programme, taking stock of JI’s potential post 2012, and finding a more secure and sustainable financial model for undertaking JISC activities. Since then, Russia, seen as a potentially huge participant in JI Track 2, has approved its first Track 2 project, an efficient power generation project near Moscow, which was vetted and registered (so-called final determination in JI terminology) on 15 October. Still, it is thought unlikely that the JISC could continue its work without a significant overhaul of its operations, including its funding model. Hence the JISC’s recommendations, which now must be considered and approved by the Parties when they meet in Cancun, Mexico, in December. “The private sector has embraced JI. Countries have done the same by approving and promoting projects. Now what we need, if the JISC is to continue its work, is for Parties to come together and confirm what they have already shown individually -– that they want to build on what they’ve started,” said Mr. Leguet. For a full report of the meeting see <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings/index.html>. ------------------------------------------------- Matters relating to determination and verification reports Annex 1: Conditions for accepting the determination regarding the project design document “0211. Utilization of coke gas with electricity generation by two 6 MWe CHP at “ZaporozhCox Plant”” Consideration of experiences with the JI verification procedure under the JISC with a view to making improvements for the future operation of JI Annex 2: Report on experiences with the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee and possible improvements in the future operation of the joint implementation Management plan and resources for the work on joint implementation Annex 3: Status of resources and contributions Other matters Annex 4: Tentative calendar of meetings of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee and the Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel in 2011 Provisional agenda Annex 5: Provisional agenda of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee |
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