Report of the fifteenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

Report of the fifteenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

Please be informed that the report of the fifteenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (21-22 April 2009), including its annexes, is available on the UNFCCC JI website. Please refer to <>.

The annexes to the report are listed below:

Accreditation of independent entities

Annex 1:
Indicative level of fees to be paid to joint implementation assessment team by applicant independent entity or accredited independent entity (version 03)

Management plan and resources for the work on joint implementation

Annex 2:
Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee work programme for 2009
Annex 3:
Status of resources and contributions

Development of a determination and verification manual

Annex 4:
Scope of determination and verification manual

Development of definitions, forms, guidelines and procedures for projects under programmes of activities

Annex 5:
Draft guidance on programme of activities under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

Other business

Annex 6:
Procedures for communication of the public with the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (version 2)
Annex 7:
Procedures for the withdrawal of submissions under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (version 2)
Annex 8:
Provisional agenda of the sixteenth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee