12:26 11 Feb 25
Opening of call for experts (appraisals/reviews) - second call
Opening of call for experts (appraisals/reviews) - second call
At its fourth meeting, the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) established a roster of experts on which it will draw with regard to inputs to the appraisals of determinations. The same roster may also be used by the JISC when setting up review teams (JI-RTs). At the same meeting, the JISC requested the secretariat to launch a new call for experts in order to increase the number of experts in the roster and to strengthen the diversity of expertise. In this regard, the JISC encourages experts in the LULUCF and agriculture sectoral scopes to apply. The call for experts is available through the main page of the UNFCCC JI website or under the following link: <http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/CallForExperts200612/callforexperts_appraisals_review.html>. Experts are invited to apply online by 26 January 2007 (17:00 GMT). Experts already included in the roster do not need to apply again. |
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