05:57 11 Feb 25
Reminder on providing views on the review of the JI guidelines by 18 February 2013
Reminder on providing views on the review of the JI guidelines by 18 February 2013
At its eighth session, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) recalled its provisions to initiate the first review and revision of the JI guidelines, as contained in decisions 4/CMP.6, paragraph 15 and 11/CMP.7, paragraphs 14–17. The CMP invited all Parties, and admitted observer organizations to submit to the secretariat by 18 February 2013, further views on how the JI guidelines and other CMP decisions pertaining to JI should be revised. The views by Parties and admitted observer organizations will be made publicly available on the UNFCCC website and will also be compiled by the secretariat in a report requested by the CMP on possible changes to the JI guidelines. The report will also draw on the recommendations by the JISC in its annual reports, and the experience gained by the JISC and by stakeholders in the implementation of JI, and will be considered by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its thirty-eighth session. Please submit your views and inputs by 18 February at secretariat@unfccc.int |
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