05:43 11 Feb 25
Highlights – 38th meeting of JI Supervisory Committee
Highlights – 38th meeting of JI Supervisory Committee
For a full report of the 38th meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (17-18 March 2016) please visit <http://ji.unfccc.int/Sup_Committee/Meetings/index.html>. JISC elects Chair, Vice-Chair for 2016 Bonn, Germany, 17 March 2016 – The Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) at its 38th meeting elected Konrad Raeschke-Kessler, an official in the German Federal Environment Agency, and Albert Abel Williams, Member of Parliament and Special Envoy for Climate Change, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction, Vanuatu, as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively. Mr. Raeschke-Kessler takes over from Julia Justo Soto, who remains a member, and Mr. Williams takes over from Mr. Raeschke-Kessler. Both will serve in their executive capacities until the first meeting of the JISC in 2017. The JISC has prepared detailed suggestions on how the JI mechanism could be improved and put to continuing use incentivizing action in response to climate change. When Parties to the Kyoto Protocol met in Paris, France, in December 2015, they asked the JISC to prepare further recommendations for consideration by Parties in Bonn in May and in Morocco at the end of the year. The JISC’s work in 2016 will focus on preparing those recommendations. Through the JI mechanism, a country with an emission reduction/limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol may take part in an emission reduction (or emission removal) project in any other country with a commitment under the Protocol, and count the resulting emission reduction/removal towards meeting its Kyoto target. The second commitment period of the Protocol, agreed to by Parties, has yet to come into force. Thus, JI currently suffers from lack of demand and its future role is uncertain. JI projects earn emission reduction units (ERUs), each equivalent to one tonne of CO2. ERUs are created through the conversion of an equivalent number of a country’s assigned amount units. All emission reductions must be real, measurable, verifiable and additional to what would have occurred without the project. Under JI there are two “tracks” by which projects can apply for approval: Party verification and verification by an international independent body, the JISC. The JISC answers ultimately to the Parties that have ratified the Protocol. |
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