Report of the eighth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 08)

Report of the eighth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 08)

Please be informed that the report of the eighth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (18-19 October 2007), including its annexes, is available on the UNFCCC JI website. Please refer to <>.

The annexes to the report are listed below:

Accreditation of independent entities
Annex 1: Terms of reference for joint implementation assessment teams (version 02)
Annex 2: Indicative level of fees to be paid to joint implementation assessment team by applicant independent entity or accredited independent entity (version 02)
Annex 3: Clarification regarding utilization of laboratory services for monitoring and determination of emission reductions or enhancements of removals

Matters relating to determination reports regarding project design documents
Annex 4: Modalities of communication of project participants with the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Annex 5: Procedures for including additional project participants or Parties involved in joint implementation projects after final determination under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Annex 6: Clarification regarding the public availability of documents under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (version 02)

Management plan and resources for the work on joint implementation
Annex 7: Joint implementation management plan 2008–2009
Annex 8: Status of resources and contributions

Other matters
Annex 9: Draft provisions for the charging of fees to cover administrative costs relating to the activities of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (version 02)
Annex 10: Provisional agenda of the ninth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee