20:38 23 Jan 25
Opportunity to provide comments on new applicant independent entity
Opportunity to provide comments on new applicant independent entity
The procedure for accrediting independent entities by the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) stipulates that Parties, NGOs accredited with the UNFCCC and stakeholders shall have 15 days to provide comments or information on independent entities applying for accreditation by the JISC. In accordance with this provision, Parties, NGOs accredited with the UNFCCC and stakeholders will have the opportunity to submit comments and information regarding the following new applicant independent entity during the period from 22 December 2006 to 5 January 2007: � SQS, Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems The comments and information regarding the applicant independent entity listed above can be submitted following the links provided under: <http://ji.unfccc.int/AIEs/CallForInputs>. |
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