22:02 23 Jan 25
Opening of call for public input on experience with the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC)
Opening of call for public input on experience with the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC)
At its fifth session, the Conference of the Parties serving as meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) requested the JISC to report to the CMP at its sixth session on its experience with the verification procedure under the JISC, with a view to making improvements for the future operation of joint implementation (JI), taking into account relevant decisions of the CMP at its fifth session. The JISC, at its twenty-first meeting, requested the secretariat to launch a call for public inputs on experience with the verification procedure under the JISC with a view to making improvements for the future operation of JI. Public inputs are solicited regarding the experience with the verification procedure under the JISC with a view to making improvements for the future operation of JI. In particular, respondents to this call are encouraged to provide inputs regarding the following issues: Participation requirements for JI; Involvement, actions and roles of different actors, including the JISC and its support structure; Parties and designated focal points (DFPs); accredited independent entities (AIEs); project participants; and international and non-governmental organizations; JI project requirements and guidelines (baseline setting and monitoring, additionality, etc.); Accreditation of independent entities; JI forms; Management and governance of JI and the JISC; Recommendations and proposed improvements for the future operation of JI; Other issues. This call for public input is open from 22 April 2010 until 21 May 2010 (17:00 GMT). |
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