06:32 11 Feb 25
Extension of call for public input on UNFCCC technical workshop on joint implementation
Extension of call for public input on UNFCCC technical workshop on joint implementation
The UNFCCC secretariat is preparing the UNFCCC workshop on joint implementation, planned to be held in Bonn, Germany, on 9-10 September 2008. The first day will be a round table discussion between applicant independent entities and the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) to discuss, based on their experiences to date, issues of particular interest. During the second day of the workshop some of these issues as well as others concerning the verification procedure under the JISC (JI Track 2 procedure) will be discussed by all participants. At its eleventh meeting, the JISC requested the secretariat to prepare the workshop, with a view to ensuring an appropriate and balanced participation. Therefore the secretariat has launched a call for public input on topics to be discussed and/or expressions of interest to participate in the workshop. Inputs should be received by the UNFCCC secretariat by 4 August 2008 (17:00 GMT). The extension of the call for public input is available under the following link: <http://ji.unfccc.int/CallForInputs/PublicInputSeptember_2008Ex/index.html>. |
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