06:00 11 Feb 25
6th Joint Implementation technical workshop successfully completed.
6th Joint Implementation technical workshop successfully completed.
The sixth UNFCCC workshop on joint implementation (JI), held in Kiev, Ukraine, on 8-9 September 2009, has been successfully completed. The workshop was hosted by the National Environmental Investment Agency (NEIA) Ukraine and organised with the support of the UNDP Ukraine office. The workshop was the first in a JI host country since the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) was established. It allowed the JISC and private and public sector stakeholders to exchange experiences gained so far and discuss perspectives and potential for the future. Applicant and accredited independent entities, JI Designated Focal Points, project participants and others reflected on issues currently being elaborated by the JISC. In addition, the workshop held sessions on broader JI issues, including JI Track 1 and Track 2, an overview of JI in the carbon market and the outlook of JI for post 2012. Press release: http://unfccc.int/press/news_room/press_releases_and_advisories/items/4712.php Information on the workshop and the presentations given during the event: http://ji.unfccc.int/Workshop/8_September_2009.html |
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