Opening call for public input on procedures for programmes of activities (JI PoA) under the verification procedure under the JISC

Opening call for public input on procedures for programmes of activities (JI PoA) under the verification procedure under the JISC

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol requested in paragraph 6 of its decision 5/CMP.4 the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) to develop, as soon as possible, definitions, forms, guidelines and procedures for projects under programme of activities implemented under the verification procedure under the JISC, bearing in mind the work of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism in this area.

The JISC, at its fourteenth meeting, decided to develop procedures for programmes of activities under the verification procedure under the JISC. At its sixteenth meeting, the JISC requested the secretariat to prepare a second draft, in consultation with eight JISC members/alternate members (Mr. Björk, Mr. Chowdhury, Mr. Fuller, Ms. Gałan, Mr. Geletukha, Mr. Hubenthal, Mr. Leguet and Mr. Oderson) along with forms, as well as launch a call for public inputs on this second draft. These inputs will be compiled in an information note to be considered by the JISC at its eighteenth meeting. The comments received in response to this call will be taken into account in preparing the final version of the procedure.

This call has been launched and will be open for inputs until 25 September 2009 (see <>)