Designated Focal Point National guidelines and procedures for approving JI projects
Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Vám u. 5-7
H-1011 Budapest

Ms. Barbara Kovács
Head of Unit at the Ministry for Innovation and Technology's Climate Policy Department
1011 Budapest , Fo utca 44-50., Hungary
P.O.Box 1440 Budapest Pf.1.
Phone: +36 1 896-3129

Ms. Kinga Csontos

                       Phone: +36 1 795-4896
National guidelines and procedures for approving JI projects:
Government Decree 323/2007. (XII. 11.) Korm. on the implementation of Act LX of 2007 on the implementation framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol thereof (102 KB)

JI projects
Publicly accessible user interface of national registry (if available)*
"Track 2" projects**
"Track 1" projects**
ITL project ID Title Last Updated
In progress Mitigation of agricultural emissions with partial change of nitrogen fertilizer utilization and cultivations change 06 Feb 13
HU1000006 Biomass Retrofit at AES Borsod Power Plant 28 Jul 08
HU1000007 Biomass Retrofit at Bakonyi Power Plant 28 Jul 08
HU1000008 Pannonpower Gas and Biomass Cogeneration Project 28 Jul 08
HU1000009 Exim-Invest Biogas 13 Aug 09
HU1000010 Pálhalma Biogas Project 28 Jul 08
HU1000011 South Nyírség Bioenergy Project 28 Jul 08
HU1000012 N2O emission reduction project at Nitrogénművek Rt. 12 Nov 08
HU1000013 Debrecen landfill gas mitigation project 28 Jul 08
HU1000051 Landfill gas mitigation project on seven Hungarian landfills 13 Aug 09
HU1000129 Geothermal methane gas utilization 29 Jan 10
HU1000196 Climate protection by efficient manure management and biogas 23 Nov 10

* According to paragraph 44 of Decision 13/CMP.1 "each national registry shall make non-confidential information publicly available and provide a publicly accessible user interface through the Internet that allows interested persons to query and view it." In accordance with paragraph 46 of Decision 13/CMP.1 the "information referred to in paragraph 44 ... shall include the following Article 6 project information, for each project identifier against which the Party has issued ERUs: (a) Project name: a unique name for the project(;) (b) Project location: the Party and town or region in which the project is located(;) (c) Years of ERU issuance: the years in which ERUs have been issued as a result of the Article 6 project(;) (d) Reports: downloadable electronic versions of all publicly available documentation relating to the project, including proposals, monitoring, verification and issuance of ERUs, where relevant, subject to the confidentiality provisions in decision 9/CMP.1."

** Projects switching "Tracks" appear with different ITL project IDs.

(The term "Article" refers to an Article of the Kyoto Protocol.)