UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation

Date: 15-16 October 2007
Venue: UN Campus Bonn, "Langer Eugen"

Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10
53113 Bonn

Venue location
Directions (subway)
The purpose of this workshop was to facilitate the interaction between stakeholders in their specific JI-related roles in time for the start of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. The concept for the event had been elaborated taking into account the inputs received from designated focal points (DFPs) and applicant and accredited independent entities (IEs), as well as the responses from stakeholders and the public to a call for public input on possible topics related to the work of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) (e.g. further elaboration of the guidance on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring) to be included in the discussions.

While the first day of the workshop was dedicated exclusively to interactions between the JISC, DFPs, applicant and accredited IEs and the JI accreditation panel (JI-AP), on the second day further issues of interest with regard to JI were discussed by a broader range of stakeholders.

Workshop information and documents

This section contains an overview of the workshop, as well as the presentations given during the event. For more details on the proposed contents and discussions of the workshop, please refer to the Agenda (238 KB).

15 October 2007

Sessions dedicated to interactions between the JISC, DFPs, applicant and accredited IEs and the JI-AP.

16 October 2007

Welcome and Introduction

Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Fatou Gaye, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair

Session 1: Background of Joint Implementation

Fatou Gaye, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair
Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Work accomplished and challenges ahead (198 KB)

Björn Zapfel, UNFCCC Secretariat
Joint Implementation Track 2 (501 KB)

Session 2: Joint Implementation Track 2 and Parties involved in Joint Implementation Projects

Module 1: Rules established by the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee Module 2: Joint Implementation in the National Context

Moderation: Michael Rumberg, Noble Carbon Credits

Panel discussion

Lennard de Klerk, Global Carbon
Eamon Geraghty, CRH Finance Limited (338 KB)
Werner Betzenbichler, TÜV SÜD
Heorhiy Veremiychyk, DFP - Ukraine

Lennard de Klerk, Global Carbon
Methodological approaches regarding baseline setting and monitoring (69 KB)

Manfred Stockmayer, CAMCO International
Standardized national/sectoral baselines (5003 KB)

Miguel Rescalvo, Det Norske Veritas
Challenges in determination JI projects (221 KB)


Moderation: Edwin Aalders, International Emissions Trading Association

Campion Carruthers, UNFCCC Secretariat
Andrew Howard, UNFCCC Secretariat
Joint implementation, eligibility and the Compliance Committee (1703 KB)

Panel discussion

Jakob Forman, DFP - Denmark
Oleg Pluzhnikov, DFP - Russian Federation
Vlad Trusca, DFP - Romania
Heorhiy Veremiychyk, DFP - Ukraine

Jürgen Salay, European Commission
Joint Implementation and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (538 KB)

Ben Feldman, Natsource
Market View of JI in the National Context (820 KB)

Jan-Willem van de Ven, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Incentives and Barriers (549 KB)

Session 3: Joint Implementation Track 2 - Status and Outlook
Moderation, Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat

Olga Gassan-Zade, Point Carbon
Overview of the Carbon Market (191 KB)

Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat

Post-2012 - State of the negotiation process and outlook (77 KB)

Panel discussion
Edwin Aalders, International Emissions Trading Association
Michael Fübi, RWE
Adriaan Korthuis, Climate Focus
Alexandrina Platonova-Oquab, World Bank
Oleg Pluzhnikov, DFP - Russian Federation
Ash Sharma, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation


Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Fatou Gaye, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair