Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee: Roundtable 20 June 2011
Venue: Maritim Hotel
Godesberger Allee
53175 Bonn
The proceedings of the rountable consultations can also be followed through webcast
The JISC agreed at its twenty-fourth meeting to hold roundtable consultations in conjunction with its twenty-fifth meeting in June. A public call for input on interest in participation and on the priorities to be set for the JI Work plan 2011/2013 was launched between 08 April 2011 and 6 May 2011.
The aim of the roundtable consultations was to bring members of the JISC together with interested stakeholders, in order to have an open discussion on the main issues of interest to stakeholders.
Participation and main areas of discussion during the event were be based on the inputs received and further consideration by the JISC.
Agenda (192 KB)
Full List of Participants (58 KB)
This section contains an overview of the round-table discussions and the break-out outcomes, as well as the presentations given during the event.
Welcome and Introduction
Muhammed Quamrul Chowdhury (JISC Chair)
John KILANI / Conor Barry (UNFCCC Secretariat)
Presentation by Mr. BenoƮt Leguet (JISC Member) (205 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Andrew Howard (UNFCCC secretariat) (224 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Denis Prusakov (Global carbon) (627 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Motoharu Yamazaki (UNFCCC secretariat) (133 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Jan-Willem van de Ven (EBRD) (946 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Vlad Trusca (UNFCCC secretariat) (644 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Martin Enderlin (DIA - DOE/AIE Forum) (190 KB)
Presentation by Ms. Natalia Rushko (DFP Ukraine) (269 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Andrei Marcu (Mercuria Energy) (115 KB)
Conclusions and next steps
Muhammed Quamrul Chowdhury (JISC Chair)
Conor Barry (UNFCCC secretariat)
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