11:18 22 Feb 25
Experience and future directions for Kyoto's Joint Implementation mechanism: Question and answer session with the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee at CMP 6
Date: Monday, 29 November 2010, 13:20-14:40
Venue: Cancunmesse, room Jaguar, Cancun, Mexico
The Chair and members of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee encourage all attendees of the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, who are interested in the JI mechanism, to take part in the JISC question and answer session, scheduled for 29 November, 13:20 - 14:40, in room Jaguar. This side event will feature a presentation on JI experiences to date and proposed future directions for the mechanism. Plenty of time will be set aside for questions from the floor.
Presentations:Experience and future directions for Kyoto's Joint Implementation mechanism
Benoit Leguet,Chair of the JISC
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