12:33 11 Feb 25
UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation
Date: 13-14 February 2007
Venue: UN Campus Bonn, "Langer Eugen"
Participants exchanged their experiences with a view to improving their understanding of each others' roles, the environment in which projects are developed and the overall potential for JI projects. The workshop allowed the JISC to take into account the various concerns and suggestions in its further development and operation of the verification procedure under the JISC.
Workshop information and documents
13 February 2007
Welcome and Introduction
Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary UNFCCC
Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Session 1: Background of Joint Implementation
Daniela Stoycheva, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair
Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Work accomplished and challenges ahead (104 KB)
Francisco Arango, UNFCCC Secretariat
Joint implementation - State of play (232 KB)
Andrew Howard, UNFCCC Secretariat
Joint implementation and eligibility requirements (249 KB)
Session 2: Parties involved in Joint Implementation Projects
Jørgen Fenhann, UNEP-Risø
Overview of JI host Parties and "investor countries" (156 KB)
Role of Parties involved in JI projects (practical examples)
Onrej Bores, Ministry of the Environment
Czech Republic (249 KB)
Vlad Trusca, Ministry of Environment and Water Management
Romania (2109 KB)
Heorhiy Veremiychyk, Ministry of Environmental Protection
Ukraine (131 KB)
Johan Nylander, Swedish Energy Agency
Sweden (104 KB)
Wolfgang Seidel, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Germany (185 KB)
Claudia Croce, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
Italy (1443 KB)
Panel discussion
Tatiana Faizoullina, EcoSecurities (392 KB)
Kristin Lang, European Investment Bank (99 KB)
Zsolt Lengyel, SenterNovem
Yuzuru Nonaka, Electric Power Development Co (74 KB)
Chair: James Grabert, UNFCCC Secretariat
Session 3: Baseline Setting and Monitoring
Alexandrina Platonova-Oquab, World Bank
Baseline setting and monitoring under JI compared to the CDM approach (191 KB)
Lennard de Klerk, Global Carbon
Baseline setting and monitoring under JI - Experience to date (619 KB)
Michiel ten Hoopen, EcoSecurities
Small-scale projects under JI in theory and practice (420 KB)
Neil Bird, Joanneum Research
Land use, land-use change and forestry projects under JI in theory and practice (972 KB)
Session 4: Determination / Verification
Oleg Pluzhnikov, Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel - Chair
Status of accreditation of independent entities (53 KB)
Miguel Rescalvo, Det Norske Veritas
Determinations / verifications under JI compared to the CDM (126 KB)
Thomas Kleiser, TÜV SÜD
Determinations / verifications under JI - Challenges and pitfalls (2766 KB)
Flavio Gomes, Bureau Veritas Certification
Determinations / verifications under JI - Experience to date (698 KB)
14 February 2007
Session 5: Joint Implementation and the Carbon Market
Olga Gassan-zade, Point Carbon
Overview of the carbon market (1746 KB)
Ben Feldman, Natsource
Joint implementation and the clean development mechanism (411 KB)
Jan-Willem van de Ven, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Financing JI projects (341 KB)
James Atkins, Vertis Environmental Finance
Chances and risks of JI projects (809 KB)
Oleksandr Filonenko, Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass”
Benefits of and obstacles to JI projects (763 KB)
Session 6: European Emissions Trading Scheme
Thomas Bernheim, European Commission
Joint implementation in the EU-ETS (516 KB)
Manfred Stockmayer, CAMCO International
Implications of the EU-ETS on joint implementation (2733 KB)
Session 7: Joint Implementation Track 1 and Green Investment Schemes
Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus
Advantages and disadvantages of JI Track 1 (198 KB)
Zsolt Lengyel, SenterNovem
Examples of JI Track 1 procedures (2451 KB)
Jari Vayrynen, World Bank
Conceptions of Green Investment Schemes (153 KB)
Session 8: Buyers’ and Sellers’ Strategies regarding Joint Implementation
Government perspective
Rebeca Sainz, Ministry of Environment
Spain (319 KB)
Eve Tamme, Environment Information Centre
Estonia (411 KB)
Sascha Eichberger, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting
Austria (445 KB)
Company perspective
David Corregidor, ENDESA Spain (1485 KB)
Oana Dicu, Holcim Romania (1588 KB)
Anna Pasławska, EPA Poland (367 KB)
Fund perspective
Ash Sharma, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (101 KB)
Bernhard Zander, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
Session 9: Role and Future of JI Track 2 in the Carbon Market
Panel discussion
Lennard de Klerk, Global Carbon
Jakob Forman, Denmark - Environmental Protection Agency (222 KB)
Michael Fübi, RWE
Olga Gassan-Zade, Point Carbon
Oleg Pluzhnikov, Russian Federation - Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (45 KB)
Jan-Willem van de Ven, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Chair: Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Venue: UN Campus Bonn, "Langer Eugen"
Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10The technical workshop provided an opportunity for interaction between the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) and designated focal points, as well as independent entities and other stakeholders.
53113 Bonn
Venue location
Directions (subway)
Participants exchanged their experiences with a view to improving their understanding of each others' roles, the environment in which projects are developed and the overall potential for JI projects. The workshop allowed the JISC to take into account the various concerns and suggestions in its further development and operation of the verification procedure under the JISC.
Workshop information and documents
Agenda (207 KB)
List of participants (112 KB)
13 February 2007
Welcome and Introduction
Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary UNFCCC
Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Session 1: Background of Joint Implementation
Daniela Stoycheva, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair

Francisco Arango, UNFCCC Secretariat

Andrew Howard, UNFCCC Secretariat

Session 2: Parties involved in Joint Implementation Projects
Jørgen Fenhann, UNEP-Risø

Role of Parties involved in JI projects (practical examples)
Onrej Bores, Ministry of the Environment

Vlad Trusca, Ministry of Environment and Water Management

Heorhiy Veremiychyk, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Johan Nylander, Swedish Energy Agency

Wolfgang Seidel, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Claudia Croce, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea

Panel discussion

Zsolt Lengyel, SenterNovem

Chair: James Grabert, UNFCCC Secretariat
Session 3: Baseline Setting and Monitoring
Alexandrina Platonova-Oquab, World Bank

Lennard de Klerk, Global Carbon

Michiel ten Hoopen, EcoSecurities

Neil Bird, Joanneum Research

Session 4: Determination / Verification
Oleg Pluzhnikov, Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel - Chair

Miguel Rescalvo, Det Norske Veritas

Thomas Kleiser, TÜV SÜD

Flavio Gomes, Bureau Veritas Certification

14 February 2007
Session 5: Joint Implementation and the Carbon Market
Olga Gassan-zade, Point Carbon

Ben Feldman, Natsource

Jan-Willem van de Ven, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

James Atkins, Vertis Environmental Finance

Oleksandr Filonenko, Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass”

Session 6: European Emissions Trading Scheme
Thomas Bernheim, European Commission

Manfred Stockmayer, CAMCO International

Session 7: Joint Implementation Track 1 and Green Investment Schemes
Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus

Zsolt Lengyel, SenterNovem

Jari Vayrynen, World Bank

Session 8: Buyers’ and Sellers’ Strategies regarding Joint Implementation
Government perspective
Rebeca Sainz, Ministry of Environment

Eve Tamme, Environment Information Centre

Sascha Eichberger, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting

Company perspective

Fund perspective

Bernhard Zander, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
Session 9: Role and Future of JI Track 2 in the Carbon Market
Panel discussion
Lennard de Klerk, Global Carbon

Michael Fübi, RWE
Olga Gassan-Zade, Point Carbon

Jan-Willem van de Ven, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Chair: Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
Halldor Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat
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