Extension of Call for Public Input on UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation
Date: 9-10 September 2008
Venue: UN Campus Bonn, "Langer Eugen", Bonn, Germany
Call for public input
The UNFCCC secretariat is preparing the fifth UNFCCC workshop on joint implementation, planned to be held in Bonn, Germany, on 9-10 September 2008.
In conjunction with the workshop, a round table discussion is being organized for applicant independent entities to discuss, based on their experiences, issues of particular interest among themselves and with the JI Supervisory Committee (JISC). During the workshop some of these issues as well as others concerning the verification procedure under the JISC (JI Track 2 procedure) will be discussed by all participants. Stakeholders are invited to provide inputs on possible topics related to the work of the JISC to be included in the discussions of the upcoming workshop.
At its eleventh meeting, the JISC discussed the organization and focus of the workshop and requested the secretariat, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, to make preparations for the workshop, including to ensure an appropriate and balanced participation by involved stakeholders. In addition to those who will be invited, a limited number of places will be available for others. Therefore, stakeholders with practical expertise in JI are invited to express their interest to participate in the workshop. Expressions of interest should include information regarding the individual's or organization's involvement in JI and particular issues of concern or matters which could be addressed in the context of the workshop discussions.
Based on the inputs received and further considerations by the JISC, the programme of the workshop including the list of speakers and participants for the workshop will be finalized.
Inputs on the topics to be discussed and/or expressions of interest to participate in the workshop should be uploaded using the below form no later than 4 August.

The call has been extended until 4 August.
Results of call for public input
The original call had been extended until 4 August 2008. From 13 July until 4 August 2008 42 inputs were received.
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