BG1000210: Small Hydro Power Station Potochnitsa
Last updated 29 Dec 10
ITL project ID BG1000210
Project title Small Hydro Power Station Potochnitsa
Project location near Kardjali, at river Arda valley, south eastern Bulgaria
Host Party Bulgaria
Other Party Denmark
Type of Project
Fee to be paid
Sectoral scope(s) 1: Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources)
"Track" 1
LULUCF project No
Total Emission reductions expected 85030.0 t CO2 equivalent
Crediting period 01 Apr 2009 - 31 Dec 2012
Project information provided by host Party Project documentation:
PDD (709 KB)
determination report (116 KB)
Validation (462 KB)
resume (88 KB)
declaration (295 KB)
LoA Bulgaria (497 KB)

Project related text:
SHPS Potochnitsa contemplates the construction of a small run-of-the-river power station. The Project consists of a small hydropower station with 2 (two) hydro-power units with Kaplan type turbines and hydro-generators, and 4,69MW capacity of each unit. The total installed capacity of SHPS „Potochnitsa” is 9,38MW.
The purpose of the Project is to utilize the existing hydrological resources between the two existing large dams with hydropower stations, for electricity generation. The Project is intended to produce about 27,301GWh/a electric power per annum. The small run-of-the-river power station of Potochnitsa will operate, due to its proximity to Stouden Kladenets Dam which is at about 3,5km distance, in a mode subordinate to HPS Stouden Kladenets. Potochnitsa will operate in compliance with the dispatch schedule of the Electric Power System (EPS) dam discharge and processing of waters passing through it for generation of electric power. During operation of the hydropower station, primarily in a mode of parallel operation of Dolna Arda Hydro-Power Cascade, part of marginal coal-fired power units electricity generation in the EPS will be replaced. 
Current status of the project Under construction
Total verified emission reductions 0.0 t CO2 equivalent
Additional information (as appropriate)