BG1000155: Kaliakra Wind power project
Last updated 20 Aug 10
ITL project ID BG1000155
Project title Kaliakra Wind power project
Project location Municipality of Kavarna, Bulgarevo Village
Host Party Bulgaria
Other Party Japan
Type of Project
Fee to be paid
Sectoral scope(s) 1: Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources)
"Track" 1
LULUCF project No
Total Emission reductions expected 406900.0 t CO2 equivalent
Crediting period 01 Jan 2008 - 31 Dec 2012
Project information provided by host Party Project documentation:
project summary (13 MB)
PDD (13 MB)
Determination report (13 MB)
Annex (13 MB)
Untitled (uploaded 27 May 10 14:51:31) (22 KB)
Letter of Approval Japan 29.01. 2010 (28 KB)

Project related text:
Letter of Approval Government of Japan: 29.01. 2010
Letter of Approval Government of Bulgaria:  Number: 26-00-2924 from 15.01.2010

The Kaliakra Wind Power Project includes within its scheme the construction of 35 aerial generators of Wind Turbine technology MWT-1000A of 1000 kW for a total of 35 MW, with a swept area of 2960 sq.m., Control center located in the project and Transmission line to be connected at the nearest substation. The energy will be delivered to Bulgarian national grid.
The area identified for the Project shows to be a good wind location, and the project will diversify the sources of renewable energy in Bulgaria.
Current status of the project Operational
Total verified emission reductions 299281.0 t CO2 equivalent
Additional information (as appropriate)