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Project documentation:
PDD (1342 KB)
Determination report (3341 KB)
LoA Russia (88 KB)
LoA Switzerland (246 KB)
Project related text:
The project is aimed at utilization of on-site generated bark and wood wastes (BWW) in a bio-fuel boiler house to produce heat for the needs of OJSC “Solombala Sawmill and Woodworking Plant” (SSWP) instead of combusting heavy fuel oil and to eliminate BWW disposal to the dump.
The installed capacity of the boiler house is 18 MW of heat (3 boilers supplied by URBAS, Austria, 6 MW each) which is less than 45 MW thermal suggested in Provisions for joint implementation small-scale projects (Version 03) as a thermal equivalent of 15 MW(e) which applies to electricity only. Please refer to footnote 3 at page 3 of JISC18 Annex 3.
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