Project 0040 : Rehabilitation of Dolna Arda Hydropower Cascade, Bulgaria
This page shows the determination as submitted by the accredited independent entity. For the final determination click here
Reference number 0040
Title Project:
Rehabilitation of Dolna Arda Hydropower Cascade, Bulgaria
Host Party(ies) Bulgaria (project participant: no)
Approval (439 KB)

Authorised project participants:
National Electric Company (Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD)

Authorisation included in the written approval
Other Party(ies) involved n/a
Scale Large
Project category Sectoral scope(s):
1: Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources)
PDD(s) PDD (360 KB)

Supporting documentation:
Annex 3 to PDD_Dolna Arda (836 KB)
Annex 4 to PDD_Dolna Arda (119 KB)
Annex 5-14 to PDD_Dolna Arda (3440 KB)
(A)IE chosen by the project participants for determination DNV Climate Change Services AS
Determination report Determination report (47 KB)

Relevant documents:

Determination Report (685 KB)
Emission reductions/enhancements of removals
(annual average in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
53,493 t CO2 equivalent
Fee 9,198.60 USD
Period for requesting review 11 Sep 07 - 25 Oct 07 (17:00 GMT)
Crediting period 01 Jan 08 - 31 Dec 12
Project design document / determination Publication of the project design document
Rehabilitation of Dolna Arda Hydropower Cascade, Bulgaria