05:05 21 Jan 25
Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee: question and answer session at CMP 5
Date: Monday, 7 December 2009, 13:00-14:30
Venue: Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, Room Liva Weel
The JISC explained its work programme and the progress made so far, and answered questions from the audience.
(Users require RealPlayer to view the webcast. Download a free copy.)
PresentationsDerrick Oderson, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair
Introduction (68 KB)
Olof Bystrom, UNFCCC secretariat
Joint Implementation Mechanism overview (90 KB)
Derrick Oderson, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Chair
Status of work and challenges ahead (636 KB)
James Grabert, UNFCCC secretariat
Financial Status of Joint Implementation Activities (100 KB)
Agnieszka Gałan, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Determination and verification manual (DVM) (105 KB)
Benoît Leguet, Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee - Vice-Chair
Joint Implementation Programmes of Activities (JI PoA) (102 KB)
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