UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation

Date: 8-9 September 2009
Venue: "Parus" Business Center

Mechnikova Str. 2
Kiev, Ukraine
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The UNFCCC secretariat prepared the sixth UNFCCC workshop on joint implementation (JI), held in Kiev, Ukraine, on 8-9 September 2009.

The workshop allowed the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC), applicant/accredited independent entities, designated focal points of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, project participants of JI, and other stakeholders to share their experiences and exchange their views, in particular with regard to matters relating to the development of a determination and verification manual and guidance on programmes of activities under the JI Track 2 procedure. In addition, the workshop had sessions on broader JI issues, including JI Track 1 and Track 2, an overview of JI in the carbon market and outlook of JI for post 2012.

The following section contains an overview of the workshop, as well as the presentations given during the event.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Welcome and Introduction - part I
Igor Lupaltsov (Head of the National Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine)
Ricarda Rieger (UNDP Country Director, Ukraine)
Derrick Oderson (JISC Chair)

Session 1: Market overview and future of joint implementation

Overview of JI and the carbon market
Olof Bystrom (198 KB) (UNFCCC secretariat)
Maria Kovalenko (7612 KB) (Point Carbon)

JI post 2012 - Status of negotiations and future potential
James Grabert (300 KB) (UNFCCC secretariat)
Lennard de Klerk (554 KB) (Joint Implementation Action Group)
Kristian Tangen (3364 KB) (Point Carbon)
Taras Bebeshko (186 KB) (National Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine)

Session 2: Development of joint implementation programmes of activities (JI PoA)

Stakeholder consultations on the latest draft of the JI PoA
Moderation: Benoit Leguet (145 KB) (JISC member)
Consultations with stakeholders

Session 3: Development of determination and verification manual (DVM)

Stakeholder consultations on the latest draft of the DVM
Moderation: Vlad Trusca (214 KB) (JISC Vice-Chair)
Shigenari Yamamoto (559 KB) (Chair DOE/AIE Coordination Forum)
Shigenari Yamamoto (38 KB) (Chair DOE/AIE Coordination Forum)
Consultations with stakeholders

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Session 4: Joint implementation Track 2 - Areas for further improvement

Work of the JISC - Overview and experience
Derrick Oderson (322 KB) (JISC Chair)

Parties involved in JI projects - Role of designated focal points (DFPs)
Moderation: Evgeny Sokolov (JISC member)

Wolfgang Seidel (602 KB) (DFP Germany)
Vlad Trusca (2038 KB) (DFP Romania)
Georgiy Geletukha (382 KB) (DFP Ukraine)
Saulet Sakenov (681 KB) (Government of Kazakhstan)

Interactions between Parties, independent entities and project participants
Moderation: Fatou Gaye (JISC member)

Flavio Gomes (379 KB) (Bureau Veritas Certification)
Martin Enderlin (304 KB) (Ecosecurities/Chair Project Developer Forum)
     Edwin Aalders (IETA) (Oral statement)

Improvements of JI Track 2 procedure - Areas for further guidance by the JISC
Moderation: Georgiy Geletukha (JISC member)

Thomas Kleiser (446 KB) (TÜV SÜD)
Nina Korobova (351 KB) (Global Carbon Russia)
Hanna-Mari Ahonen (249 KB) (NEFCO)

Session 5: Maximizing potential for joint implementation

Sectors and measures for further development - Financing, technical support, awareness raising, etc.
Moderation: Muhammed Quamrul Chowdhury (JISC member)

Yevgen Yesyrkenov (2075 KB) (World Bank)
Vitaliy Radchenko (13 MB) (CMS Cameron McKenna)
Alex Nakhlupin (398 KB) (Deutsche Bank)
Sergei Volkov (2749 KB) (UNDP)

Derrick Oderson (JISC Chair)