Project 0290 : Implementation of energy-efficient lighting system in the Donetsk Region with the use of Kyoto Protocol mechanism: replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-efficient ones at budget financed and social entities in the Gorlivka town (under Track 2)
Reference number 0290
Title Project:
Implementation of energy-efficient lighting system in the Donetsk Region with the use of Kyoto Protocol mechanism: replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-efficient ones at budget financed and social entities in the Gorlivka town (under Track 2)

Host Party(ies) Ukraine (project participant: no)
Approval (925 KB)

Authorised project participants:
Gorlivka Town Council

Authorisation included in the written approval
Other Party(ies) involved Netherlands (project participant: no)
Approval (155 KB)

Authorised project participants:
Carbon Futures LLP

Authorisation included in the written approval
Modalities of communication Modalities of communication (752 KB)
Scale Small
Project category Sectoral scope(s):
3: Energy demand

SSC type(s) and category(ies):

II.J. : Demand side activities for efficient lighting technologies
PDD(s) PDD (559 KB)
PDD (1486 KB)

Supporting documentation:
ER calculation updated (40 KB)
"Act of provided services" (Gorlivka) (270 KB)

Revisions to the monitoring plan:*
16 Feb 13 Monitoring plan (711 KB)
Determination (1417 KB)
(A)IE chosen by the project participants for determination TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd.
Determination report Determination report (227 KB)

Relevant documents:

Determination Report (Gorlivka) rev02.3 (1706 KB)
Emission reductions/enhancements of removals
(annual average in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
8,140 t CO2 equivalent
Fee 0.00 USD
Period for requesting review 27 Mar 12 - 10 May 12 (17:00 GMT)
Crediting period 07 Feb 11 - 31 Dec 12
Project design document / determination
Publication of the project design document
Publication of the determination report
Monitoring / verification Monitoring report/verification number: 002
Publication of monitoring report(s)
Monitoring report/verification number: 001
Verified emission reductions/enhancements of removals: 9,688 t CO2 equivalent
Publication of monitoring report(s)
Publication of verification report(s)
Final verification

* Amended after final determination regarding the project design document in accordance with the relevant provisions.