Project 0235 : Benaiciai-1 Wind Power Project
Reference number 0235
Title Project:
Benaiciai-1 Wind Power Project**

Host Party(ies) Lithuania (project participant: no)
Approval (1611 KB)

Authorised project participants:
UAB Renerga

Authorisation included in the written approval
Other Party(ies) involved Netherlands (project participant: no)*
Approval (432 KB)

Authorisation included in the written approval*
Modalities of communication Modalities of communication (531 KB)
Scale Large
Project category Sectoral scope(s):
1: Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources)
PDD(s) PDD (703 KB)
(A)IE chosen by the project participants for determination Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS
Determination report Determination report (140 KB)

Relevant documents:

Benaiciai_budget_20years2011.03.09 (218 KB)
Emission reductions/enhancements of removals
(annual average in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
53,836 t CO2 equivalent
Fee 9,267.20 USD
Period for requesting review 17 Aug 11 - 30 Sep 11 (17:00 GMT)
Crediting period 30 Sep 10 - 31 Dec 12
Project design document / determination
Publication of the project design document
Publication of the determination report
Monitoring / verification Monitoring report/verification number: 002**
Verified emission reductions/enhancements of removals: 42,440 t CO2 equivalent
Publication of monitoring report(s)
Publication of verification report(s)
Final verification
Monitoring report/verification number: 001**
Verified emission reductions/enhancements of removals: 67,812 t CO2 equivalent
Publication of monitoring report(s)
Publication of verification report(s)
Final verification

* Amended after final determination regarding the project design document in accordance with the relevant provisions.

** Paragraph 3 of Decision 10/CMP.1 stipulates that, under certain conditions, designated operational entities under the clean development mechanism "may act provisionally as accredited independent entities ... The determinations and relevant activities undertaken ... shall be valid only after the accreditation of the independent entity is finalized". All projects with final determinations that have been performed by provisionally acting accredited independent entities which have not yet been accredited for the relevant function and sectoral scope(s) are marked accordingly.