03:56 07 Mar 25
Monitoring Reports
According to paragraph 36 of the
JI guidelines
project participants "shall submit to an accredited independent entity a report in accordance with the monitoring plan on reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources or enhancements of anthropogenic removals by sinks that have already occurred. The report shall be made publicly available."
According to the
Clarification regarding scopes and steps of witnessing activities under the joint implementation accreditation procedure (version 03) (88 KB),
in the context of a witnessing activity, also an applicant independent entity (IE) can make a monitoring
report publicly available through the secretariat, but only after the joint implementation assessment team
(JI-AT) has accepted the project as a witnessing activity. The corresponding verfication can be
made publicly available through the secretariat in accordance with paragraph 38 of the
JI guidelines
only after the IE has been accredited for the relevant sectoral scope(s) and function.
* The monitoring reports are available by clicking on the relevant project/bundle.
** According to the
Procedures for the withdrawal of submissions under the verification procedure under the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (version 02) (128 KB).
(Unless otherwise indicated, the term "JI guidelines" refers to the annex of decision 9/CMP.1.)

According to the

* The monitoring reports are available by clicking on the relevant project/bundle.
** According to the

(Unless otherwise indicated, the term "JI guidelines" refers to the annex of decision 9/CMP.1.)
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