UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation

Date: 9-10 September 2008
Venue: UN Campus Bonn, "Langer Eugen"

Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10
53113 Bonn

Venue location
Directions (subway)

The UNFCCC secretariat is preparing the fifth UNFCCC workshop on joint implementation (JI), to be held in Bonn, Germany, on 9-10 September 2008.

The workshop is intended to allow the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) to consider the experiences of the applicant independent entities (IEs), and other involved stakeholders, to date, in particular with regard to matters directly of concern of the JISC in its supervision of the verification procedure under the JISC (JI Track 2 procedure). The workshop programme will be elaborated taking into account inputs received from the applicant IEs, as well as the responses from stakeholders and the public to a call for public input on possible topics related to the work of the JISC (e.g. further elaboration of the guidance on criteria for baseline setting and monitoring) to be included in the discussions.

The first day of the workshop will be dedicated to interactions between the JISC and applicant IEs to discuss, based on their experiences, issues of particular interest. On the second day of the workshop some of these issues, as well as others concerning the JI Track 2 procedure, will be discussed by all participants.

Stakeholders are invited to provide inputs on possible topics related to the work of the JISC to be included in the discussions of the upcoming workshop.

Call for public input

Based on the inputs received and further considerations by the JISC, the programme of the workshop including the list of speakers and participants for the workshop will be finalised.

Workshop information and documents


This section contains an overview of the workshop, as well as the presentations given during the event. For more details on the proposed contents and discussions of the workshop, please refer to the Agenda (174 KB)

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Round-table discussions of the JISC and Applicant/Accredited Independent Entities
Participants: JISC, Applicant/Accredited Independent Entities and selected project participants/developers/consultants

Welcome and Introduction - part I
John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)
Georg BØRSTING (JISC - Chair)

Session 1: Role of Accredited Independent Entities under Joint Implementation

Round-table of JISC with Applicant/Accredited Independent Entities
Moderation: Oleg PLUZHNIKOV (87 KB) (JI-AP - Chair)

Facilitation of JI accreditation process
Ensuring quality of work by independent entities

Welcome and Introduction - part II
John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)
Georg BØRSTING (JISC - Chair)

Session 2: Methodological Issues under Joint Implementation

Experiences and Issues Regarding Approaches in Baseline Setting and Monitoring
Moderation: John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)

Experiences and issues regarding application of approved CDM baseline and monitoring methodologies
Amanda ROONEY (854 KB) (CAMCO International)
Rainer WINTER (325 KB) (TÜV NORD)

Experiences and issues regarding application of JI specific approaches in baseline setting and monitoring
Lennard DE KLERK (342 KB) (Global Carbon)
Siddharth YADAV (132 KB) (SGS UK Ltd.)

Experiences and Issues Regarding Approaches to Additionality
Moderation: John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)

Experiences and issues regarding application of approved CDM approaches regarding additionality
Jesse UZZELL (1115 KB) (MGM International)
Flavio GOMES (575 KB) (Bureau Veritas)

Experiences and issues regarding application of JI specific approaches regarding additionality
Natalie KUSHKO (477 KB) (EcoSecurities)
Javier CASTRO (150 KB) (TÜV SÜD)

Session 3: Joint Implementation Project Design Document Forms

Joint Implementation Project Design Document (PDD) Forms
Moderation: John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)

Experiences and issues regarding current JI PDD forms (incl. guidelines for users)
Kari HÄMEKOSKI (33 KB) (World Bank)
Ole Andreas FLAGSTAD (1247 KB) (Det Norske Veritas)

Georg BØRSTING (JISC - Chair)
John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Discussions on the experience with the verification procedure under the JISC
Participants: JISC, Applicant/AIEs, Designatged Focal Points, Stakeholders

Welcome and Introduction
John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)
Georg BØRSTING (JISC - Chair)

Session 1: Current Status of Joint Implementation

JISC - Work accomplished and challenges ahead
Georg BØRSTING (100 KB) (JISC - Chair)

JI track 2 - Status
James GRABERT (336 KB) (UNFCCC Secretariat)

Session 2: Methodological Issues and Project Design Document Forms under Joint Implementation
Moderation: Derrick ODERSON (JISC - Vice-chair)

Experiences and issues regarding application of JI specific approaches in baseline setting and monitoring
Georg BØRSTING (90 KB) (JISC - Chair)

Experiences and issues regarding application of JI specific approaches regarding additionality
Georg BØRSTING (JISC - Chair)

Experiences and issues regarding current JI project design document (PDD) forms (incl. guidelines for users)
Georg BØRSTING (86 KB) (JISC - Chair)

Session 3: JI Track 2 Procedure - Experience Gained and Existing Challenges
Derrick ODERSON (JISC - Vice-chair)

JISC - Overview of experience in JI track 2 procedure
Georg BØRSTING (85 KB) (JISC - Chair)

Applicant/Accredited Independent Entities, project participants/developers - Experience in JI track 2 procedure
Morten Prehn SORENSEN (177 KB) (Core Carbon Group)
Eric KOUDIJS (484 KB) (KPMG)

Session 4: Joint Implementation - Status and Outlook

Overview of JI and the Carbon Market - JI in Context
Moderation: Derrick ODERSON (JISC - Vice-chair)

Olga GASSAN-ZADE (Point Carbon)
Tim ATKINSON (258 KB) (Natsource)

JI post-2012 - Issues to Consider
Moderation: Derrick ODERSON (JISC - Vice-chair)

Angelika SMUDA (119 KB) (DFP - Germany)
Pavlo MASIUKOV (219 KB) (DFP -Ukraine)
Charlotte STRECK (975 KB) (Climate Focus)

Wrap-Up & Close of Workshop
John KILANI (UNFCCC Secretariat)
Georg BØRSTING (JISC - Chair)